In February 2019, EXHIBITOR Media Group announced its list of Top 40 Exhibit Producers, which honors the best firms in the trade show and event industry. More than 100 exhibit houses, trade show display producers, and face-to-face marketing firms across the Untied States and Canada applied to be named on the exclusive and trusted list that the magazine produces each year.
“This program is intended to spotlight the best exhibit producers in the industry, while also providing a valuable resource for exhibit managers searching for new potential partners,” said Randy Acker, President and Chief Operating Officer of Exhibitor Media Group.
Applicants are evaluated in eight categories, comprised of more than 50 individual criteria, including capabilities, service, reliability, and creativity. The criteria reflect the critical factors and commonalities in vetting and selecting potential trade show and event partners, deemed most important by EXHIBITOR magazine readers and an Editorial Advisory Board of industry professionals. Points were awarded based on each company’s responses, as well as through surveys completed by client references.
In addition to being named to the elite list, Elevation3D scored among the top eight firms in the Thought Leadership and Industry Participation category.
The companies named to the Top 40 Exhibit Producers list will be featured in an online portal that is trusted by industry professionals in North America and internationally, and regularly utilized by start-up and Fortune 500 companies alike. Elevation3D will also be highlighted in the print issue of EXHIBITOR magazine that is distributed in June 2019.
View the complete list of the EXHIBITOR Magazine Top 40 Exhibit Producers.